Choose from Health Coaching and Group Health Coaching
Health Coaching
Health Coaches know there’s more to a healthy lifestyle than fad diets and unsustainable exercise regimens. There’s a gap between what clients know they need to do to be healthy and the intrinsic motivation they need to make and sustain those changes. Coaches bridge that gap.
Health coaches are trained in helping patients make healthy lifestyle behavior changes. Health coaches extend the provider’s reach by offering individualized guidance and support in implementing therapeutic plans, addressing barriers, and working through the day-to-day challenges that arise as patients manage their journey toward health and well-being.
Health & wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their ability to change, honoring the fact that each client is an expert on their own life while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.
Working with a Health Coach, you may choose just one area – or all areas – of lifestyle health and wellness to address including but not limited to:
- Weight loss
- Nutrition
- Movement/Exercise
- Sleep habits
- Stress management
Individual sessions or packages available.
Packages include 45-minute sessions for the allotted package duration.
Optional check-ins and/or questions via texting app of your choice with your coach Monday – Friday between 8am-3pm.
Group Health Coaching
Group Health Coaching FAQ’s
How do I join my first group coaching session?
Call the clinic at 319-393-4307 or email Linnea at [email protected] to get put on the Group Coaching roster.
Do I have to come to every session or every day?
NO! The beauty of group coaching is you come when you are available and have the need. Yes – coaching will give you the most benefit if used CONSISTANTLY. But schedules are busy and unpredictable. So come when you can. No penalty for not coming to a session.
What is the cost?
$10/session. You pay for the sessions you attend. You do not pay for any session you do not.
How long will the sessions be?
30 minutes. Quick, simple and to the point. Eating and drinking is completely acceptable as this time is structured around the standard working lunch break time.
What will the format be?
Linnea will open the group session with 5 minutes of education on a topic related to the overall group coaching session. Then 20 minutes will be YOUR time! Those attending can ask questions, share their story, get curious about where improvements in lifestyle are feasible, etc. The last 5 minutes will be focused on verbalizing a goal to work on for the upcoming week.
How do I get on the Zoom call?
Once you are registered to attend any of the group coaching sessions, a document will be loaded onto your patient portal with the Times and Schedules of all Zoom Coaching Sessions with the links and passwords to attend.
Will my spot be guaranteed?
Unfortunately, no. Using the drop in structure, 8 people will be allowed in per session on a first come first serve basis. And due to the short nature of the sessions, no one will be admitted after 10 minutes have passed.