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Probiotics Are Pro-Health

You’ve probably been prescribed antibiotics throughout your life to fight infections. And you’ve definitely seen antibacterial soaps and detergents. That must mean all bacteria are bad, right? The truth is that many bacteria are actually very good for the body. Antibiotics don’t just kill off bacteria that cause illness, they also get rid of the […]

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Meet our new health coach

You might have heard… We are super excited to have with us a new health coach, Travis Richardson! Travis is a former elite athlete with Olympic level experience, has owned his own holistic fitness gyms, and coaches professionally in nutrition, fitness & mindset. One of his proudest achievements is helping his son through his own healing journey

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GMOs and Gut Health

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have genes from another species transplanted into their DNA. This is done to increase production or yield or add some other previously nonexistent quality to the organism. These experimental organisms have so far been mostly plants, but animals are also being modified. This is not the same as hybridizing. Hybrids are

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Gut Health and Weight Loss

Do you have trouble losing extra weight even though you’re exercising regularly and eating healthy foods? Starving yourself to lose weight isn’t good for your body, and a super hard-core exercise program may not be the answer, either. These are both extremes, most people’s needs fall somewhere in between. So let’s take a closer look

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